Second Pub Quiz of the year

Pub quizzes are coming like buses in 2017. Having had a 5 year break from pub quizzes ZRSDP has had two in as many months. The second pub quiz of the year was in Chelsea kindly organised by Emma Pratt. The turnout was fantastic with nearly 100 people turning up.

Jamie Drysdale again took up his role as quiz master and had to maermind delivering the quiz not once but twice. The downstairs of the Imperial pub on the King’s Road is split in to two sections. As we had so many teams on the night, Jamie had to run back and forth to both sections without the aid of a microphone. Needless to say he was a little hoarse in the morning.

We managed to raise £1,400 for the building of the latest Secondary School at Peace & Good Hope. Thank you to everyone that came, Emma for organising and the Imperial pub for hosting. Congratulations to one of our long-term supporters John Baddeley for winning the fiercely contested Eliminator round.

ZRSDP Pub quizzes are a fun way to get together with friends and raise money for charity. If you are interested in attending or hosting a pub quiz please contact us.